Thursday, June 13, 2019

Non Non Biyori: Hotaru Ichijou

Hotaru is a fifth grade elementary school student who transfers into the Asahigaoka Branch School from Tokyo. Tall and quite developed for her age, she doesn't look like an elementary school student and is thus often treated like an adult. She admits to be not good at exercise but is shown to be stronger than Natsumi. She usually maintains a calm and composed appearance but also has a childish side and freaks out easily.

She admires Komari to the point of harboring a crush on her bordering on obsession. She had crafted mass amounts of Komari-like dolls which she tried to keep secret.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Non Non Biyori: Natsumi Koshigaya

Natsumi is a first-year middle school student of the Asahigaoka Branch School. She is Yukiko's youngest daughter, and Suguru and Komari's youngest sister. Fun-loving and carefree, she likes playing pranks on other people, talks back to her mother, and does poorly in school. She usually tries to get out of trouble by pinning the blame on someone, or something, else.

She used to have a brother complex when she was younger, promising to marry her older brother, and is very embarrassed of it.