Monday, January 30, 2023

Vlad love: Chihiro Chimatsuri

 A beautiful lady who is the Seijumonji High School nurse and the Chimatsuri Blood Research Institute director. Although she is wild and has a potty mouth, she is kind at heart. She becomes interested in Mai (especially her blood) and supports Mitsugu. She creates a Blood Donation Club at school and becomes its advisor to gather food for Mai and collect rare blood to pursue her own interest.

Friday, January 27, 2023

Immoral Guild: Hanabata Nohkins

 Hanabata is normally calm and mature, but she can be easily flustered when it comes to lewd situations. She is humble, as she doesn't let her status as heiress to her family go to her head.

When she enters Flower Frenzy mode, she acts like a drunkard and attacks any monster with gusto. Hana will also throw herself at Kikuru when given the opportunity. Once she's back to normal, she has little to no recollection of her actions, and her servants work to ensure she never finds out what her Frenzy mode is like.

Immoral Guild: Hitamu Kyan

 Hitamu is a high-spirited, cheerful, and carefree individual, who acts on her emotions rather than logic. Because of this, she has an interesting yet troublesome personality. "Hitamuki" is her nickname which means "Dedicated" or "Single-Minded", and she is mainly called by this name. As her nickname suggests, she believes in working hard. Although she is calm and straightforward, she is notoriously dimwitted, as when she rushes into an enemy without thinking only to be fall prey to their attacks.  According to her sensei, she is innocent for the best and the worst. She always tries to fight fairly, assume the best of situations and people, and she is naive. Nevertheless, she is a person with a good heart who always puts her friends as her topmost priority, to the point she pays more attention to them than herself, resulting in her clumsy and distracted behavior.