Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Zettai Shounen: Akira Sukawara

Akira is a reporter from a local TV station, called "39 Cable TV" (39 CTV; for short). Akira shows great interest in all the mysterious things that happen around Emerald Land. She is often seen doing investigations on reports of ghost stories and interviewing people. Later on, in the Winter Arc of the story it is discovered that she wrote a book about these mysteries, called "Summer of the Fairies ~Material Fairy~", and works as a freelance reporter still investigating the mysteries.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Zettai Shounen: Miki Miyama

She is Miku's older sister who works at the store. She appears to have interest in Ayumu. Otherwise she is a rather normal "down-to-earth" character.